Small and medium enterprises are key engines of economic growth and job creation in developing countries, particularly following the global financial crisis. They account for 90% of total businesses. It is important to create better opportunities for SMEs in emerging countries in order to advance development and reduce poverty.
Considering this, Living Proof developed SME Connect, a social enterprise working towards creating great opportunities for small & medium enterprises, by assisting them gain access to global markets, capacity building and access to finance.
The services of Living Proof SME Connect include:
Market Identification/Penetration:
Entering into export markets is a challenge for many SMEs. Though their products meet international standards they have difficulties in identifying right channels and distributors for their products. Living Proof SME Connect helps small and medium enterprises to enter into mainstream markets in regions of the U.S., Europe, Latin America, Africa, and Asia.
We assist the enterprises in procuring their goods at a cost effective and socially responsible way. All SMEs registered with Living Proof undergo a rigorous check for Product quality, social, and ethical compliance. The sourcing needs of companies will be delivered in a socially responsible way. Ultimately, a direct positive social impact can be created in underserved communities when sourced through us. Our suppliers span across the globe. Large corporations can easily procure from SMEs using our channel. We function as a reliable and trusted partner for procurement and sourcing needs of enterprises.
Living Proof is devising models to integrate SMEs into supply chains of global corporations, thereby creating more sustainable and value-added supply chains.
Development of entrepreneurship eco systems is important to create a thriving economy. Living Proof understands this principle and entrepreneurship development is our core activity.
We identify entrepreneurs with passion and potential and invest our profits that are obtained from our activities to develop enterprises that create positive impact. We partner with entrepreneurs from the same geographic locations from which our products are sourced.
Other business divisions of Living Proof are:
- Living Proof Agro and Food Products
- Living Proof Organics
- Living Proof Textiles
- Living Proof Herbals and Wellness